- Release:
- Date:
Feb 17, 2025
To keep the design simple and modular, the CLIPS functions are organised into namespaces.
A namespace is a way to group a set of APIs which belong to the same domain into a category.
The User shall not worry about the namespaces themselves as all the APIs are accessible through the Environment class.
clips.environment module¶
- class clips.environment.Environment¶
The environment class encapsulates an independent CLIPS engine with its own data structures.
- batch_star(path: str)¶
Evaluate the commands contained in the specific path.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (batch*) function.
- build(construct: str)¶
Build a single construct in CLIPS.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (build) function.
- clear()¶
Clear the CLIPS environment.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (clear) function.
- eval(expression: str) type ¶
Evaluate an expression returning its value.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (eval) function.
- load(path: str, binary: bool = False)¶
Load a set of constructs into the CLIPS data base.
If constructs were saved in binary format, the binary parameter should be set to True.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (load) function.
- reset()¶
Reset the CLIPS environment.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (reset) function.
- save(path: str, binary=False)¶
Save a set of constructs into the CLIPS data base.
If binary is True, the constructs will be saved in binary format.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (load) function.
clips.facts module¶
This module contains the definition of:
ImpliedFact class
TemplateFact class
Template class
TemplateSlot class
DefinedFacts class
Facts namespace class
- class clips.facts.DefinedFacts(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, name: str)¶
The DefinedFacts constitute a set of a priori or initial knowledge specified as a collection of facts of user defined classes.
When the CLIPS environment is reset, every fact specified within a deffacts construct in the CLIPS knowledge base is added to the DefinedFacts list.
- property deletable: bool¶
True if the DefinedFacts can be undefined.
- property module: Module¶
The module in which the DefinedFacts is defined.
Python equivalent of the CLIPS (deffacts-module) command.
- property name: str¶
DefinedFacts name.
- undefine()¶
Undefine the DefinedFacts.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (undeffacts) function.
The object becomes unusable after this method has been called.
- class clips.facts.Fact(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, fact: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>)¶
CLIPS Fact base class.
- property exists: bool¶
True if the fact has been asserted within CLIPS.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (fact-existp) function.
- property index: int¶
The fact index.
- retract()¶
Retract the fact from the CLIPS environment.
- class clips.facts.Facts(env)¶
Facts and Templates namespace class.
All the Facts methods are accessible through the Environment class.
- assert_string(string: str) -> (<class 'clips.facts.ImpliedFact'>, <class 'clips.facts.TemplateFact'>)¶
Assert a fact as string.
- defined_facts() iter ¶
Iterate over the DefinedFacts.
- property fact_duplication: bool¶
Whether or not duplicate facts are allowed.
- facts() iter ¶
Iterate over the asserted Facts.
- find_defined_facts(name: str) DefinedFacts ¶
Find the DefinedFacts by its name.
- load_facts(facts: str)¶
Load a set of facts into the CLIPS data base.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (load-facts) function.
Facts can be loaded from a string or from a text file.
- save_facts(path, mode=SaveMode.LOCAL_SAVE)¶
Save the facts in the system to the specified file.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (save-facts) function.
- templates() iter ¶
Iterate over the defined Templates.
- class clips.facts.ImpliedFact(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, fact: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>)¶
An Implied Fact or Ordered Fact represents its data as a list of elements similarly as for a Multifield.
Implied Fact cannot be build or modified. They can be asserted via the Environment.assert_string() method.
- class clips.facts.Template(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, name: str)¶
A Fact Template is a formal representation of the fact data structure.
In CLIPS, Templates are defined via the (deftemplate) function.
Templates allow to assert new facts within the CLIPS environment.
Implied facts are associated to implied templates. Implied templates have a limited set of features.
- assert_fact(**slots) TemplateFact ¶
Assert a new fact with the given slot values.
Only deftemplates that have been explicitly defined can be asserted with this function.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (assert) function.
- property deletable: bool¶
True if the Template can be undefined.
- facts() iter ¶
Iterate over the asserted Facts belonging to this Template.
- property implied: bool¶
True if the Template is implied.
- property module: Module¶
The module in which the Template is defined.
Python equivalent of the CLIPS deftemplate-module command.
- property name: str¶
Template name.
- property slots: tuple¶
The slots of the template.
- undefine()¶
Undefine the Template.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (undeftemplate) function.
The object becomes unusable after this method has been called.
- property watch: bool¶
Whether or not the Template is being watched.
- class clips.facts.TemplateFact(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, fact: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>)¶
A Template or Unordered Fact represents its data as a dictionary where each slot name is a key.
TemplateFact slot values can be modified. The Fact will be re-evaluated against the rule network once modified.
- modify_slots(**slots)¶
Modify one or more slot values of the Fact.
Fact must be asserted within the CLIPS engine.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (modify) function.
- class clips.facts.TemplateSlot(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, tpl: str, name: str)¶
Template Facts organize the information within Slots.
Slots might restrict the type or amount of data they store.
- property allowed_values: tuple¶
A tuple containing the allowed values for this Slot.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (slot-allowed-values) function.
- property cardinality: tuple¶
A tuple containing the cardinality for this Slot.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (deftemplate-slot-cardinality) function.
- property default_type: TemplateSlotDefaultType¶
The default value type for this Slot.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (deftemplate-slot-defaultp) function.
- property default_value: type¶
The default value for this Slot.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (deftemplate-slot-default-value) function.
- property multifield: bool¶
True if the slot is a multifield slot.
- property name: str¶
The slot name.
- property range: tuple¶
A tuple containing the numeric range for this Slot.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (deftemplate-slot-range) function.
- property types: tuple¶
A tuple containing the value types for this Slot.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (deftemplate-slot-types) function.
clips.agenda module¶
This module contains the definition of:
Agenda class
Rule class
Activation class
- class clips.agenda.Activation(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, act: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>)¶
When all the constraints of a Rule are satisfied, the Rule becomes active.
Activations are organized within the CLIPS Agenda.
- delete()¶
Remove the activation from the agenda.
- property name: str¶
Activation Rule name.
- property salience: int¶
Activation salience value.
- class clips.agenda.Agenda(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>)¶
In CLIPS, when all the conditions to activate a rule are met, The Rule action is placed within the Agenda.
The CLIPS Agenda is responsible of sorting the Rule Activations according to their salience and the conflict resolution strategy.
All the Agenda methods are accessible through the Environment class.
- activations() iter ¶
Iterate over the Activations in the Agenda.
- property agenda_changed: bool¶
True if any rule activation changes have occurred.
- clear_focus()¶
Remove all modules from the focus stack.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (clear-focus-stack) function.
- delete_activations()¶
Delete all activations in the agenda.
- property focus: Module¶
The module associated with the current focus.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (get-focus) function.
- refresh(module: Module = None)¶
Recompute the salience values of the Activations on the Agenda and then reorder the agenda.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (refresh-agenda) function.
If no Module is specified, the agendas of all modules are refreshed.
- reorder(module: Module = None)¶
Reorder the Activations in the Agenda.
If no Module is specified, the agendas of all modules are reordered.
To be called after changing the conflict resolution strategy.
- rules() iter ¶
Iterate over the defined Rules.
- run(limit: int = None) int ¶
Runs the activations in the agenda.
If limit is not None, the first activations up to limit will be run.
Returns the number of activation which were run.
- property salience_evaluation: SalienceEvaluation¶
The salience evaluation behavior.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (get-salience-evaluation) command.
- class clips.agenda.Rule(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, name: str)¶
A CLIPS rule.
In CLIPS, Rules are defined via the (defrule) statement.
- add_breakpoint()¶
Add a breakpoint for the Rule.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (add-break) function.
- property deletable: bool¶
True if the Rule can be deleted.
- matches(verbosity: Verbosity = Verbosity.TERSE)¶
Shows partial matches and activations.
Returns a tuple containing the combined sum of the matches for each pattern, the combined sum of partial matches and the number of activations.
The verbosity parameter controls how much to output:
Verbosity.VERBOSE: detailed matches are printed to stdout
Verbosity.SUCCINT: a brief description is printed to stdout
Verbosity.TERSE: (default) nothing is printed to stdout
- property module: Module¶
The module in which the Rule is defined.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (defrule-module) function.
- property name: str¶
Rule name.
- refresh()¶
Refresh the Rule.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (refresh) function.
- remove_breakpoint()¶
Remove a breakpoint for the Rule.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (remove-break) function.
- undefine()¶
Undefine the Rule.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (undefrule) function.
The object becomes unusable after this method has been called.
- property watch_activations: bool¶
Whether or not the Rule Activations are being watched.
- property watch_firings: bool¶
Whether or not the Rule firings are being watched.
- clips.agenda.activation_pp_string(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, ist: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>) str ¶
clips.classes module¶
This module contains the definition of:
Classes namespace class
Class class
Instance class
ClassSlot class
MessageHandler class
DefinedInstances class
- class clips.classes.Class(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, name: str)¶
A Class is a template for creating instances of objects.
In CLIPS, Classes are defined via the (defclass) statement.
Classes allow to create new instances to be added within the CLIPS environment.
- property abstract: bool¶
True if the class is abstract.
- property deletable: bool¶
True if the Class can be deleted.
- find_message_handler(name: str, handler_type: str = 'primary') MessageHandler ¶
Returns the MessageHandler given its name and type.
- instances() iter ¶
Iterate over the instances of the class.
- make_instance(instance_name: str = None, **slots) Instance ¶
Make a new Instance from this Class.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (make-instance) function.
- message_handlers() iter ¶
Iterate over the message handlers of the class.
- property module: Module¶
The module in which the Class is defined.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (defclass-module) function.
- property name: str¶
Class name.
- property reactive: bool¶
True if the class is reactive.
- slots(inherited: bool = False) iter ¶
Iterate over the Slots of the class.
- subclasses(inherited: bool = False) iter ¶
Iterate over the subclasses of the class.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (class-subclasses) function.
- superclasses(inherited=False) iter ¶
Iterate over the superclasses of the class.
Equivalent to the CLIPS class-superclasses command.
- undefine()¶
Undefine the Class.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (undefclass) command.
The object becomes unusable after this method has been called.
- property watch_instances: bool¶
Whether or not the Class Instances are being watched.
- property watch_slots: bool¶
Whether or not the Class Slots are being watched.
- class clips.classes.ClassSlot(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, cls: str, name: str)¶
A Class Instances organize the information within Slots.
Slots might restrict the type or amount of data they store.
- property accessible: bool¶
True if the Slot is directly accessible.
- allowed_classes() iter ¶
Iterate over the allowed classes for this slot.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (slot-allowed-classes) function.
- property allowed_values: tuple¶
A tuple containing the allowed values for this Slot.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (slot-allowed-values) function.
- property cardinality: tuple¶
A tuple containing the cardinality for this Slot.
Equivalent to the CLIPS slot-cardinality function.
- property default_value: type¶
The default value for this Slot.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (slot-default-value) function.
- property facets: tuple¶
A tuple containing the facets for this Slot.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (slot-facets) function.
- property initializable: bool¶
True if the Slot is initializable.
- property name¶
The Slot name.
- property public: bool¶
True if the Slot is public.
- property range: tuple¶
A tuple containing the numeric range for this Slot.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (slot-range) function.
- property sources: tuple¶
A tuple containing the names of the Class sources for this Slot.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (slot-sources) function.
- property types: tuple¶
A tuple containing the value types for this Slot.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (slot-types) function.
- property writable: bool¶
True if the Slot is writable.
- class clips.classes.Classes(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>)¶
Classes and Instances namespace class.
All the Classes methods are accessible through the Environment class.
- classes() iter ¶
Iterate over the defined Classes.
- property default_mode: ClassDefaultMode¶
Return the current class defaults mode.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (get-class-defaults-mode) function.
- defined_instances() iter ¶
Iterate over the DefinedInstances.
- find_defined_instances(name: str) DefinedInstances ¶
Find the DefinedInstances by its name.
- instances() iter ¶
Iterate over the defined Instancees.
- property instances_changed: bool¶
True if any instance has changed since last check.
- load_instances(instances: str) int ¶
Load a set of instances into the CLIPS data base.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (load-instances) function.
Instances can be loaded from a string, a file or a binary file.
- restore_instances(instances: str) int ¶
Restore a set of instances into the CLIPS data base.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (restore-instances) function.
Instances can be passed as a set of strings or as a file.
- class clips.classes.DefinedInstances(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, name: str)¶
The DefinedInstances constitute a set of a priori or initial knowledge specified as a collection of instances of user defined classes.
When the CLIPS environment is reset, every instance specified within a definstances construct in the CLIPS knowledge base is added to the DefinedInstances list.
- property deletable: bool¶
True if the DefinedInstances can be undefined.
- property module: Module¶
The module in which the DefinedInstances is defined.
Python equivalent of the CLIPS (definstances-module) command.
- property name: str¶
The DefinedInstances name.
- undefine()¶
Undefine the DefinedInstances.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (undefinstances) function.
The object becomes unusable after this method has been called.
- class clips.classes.Instance(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, ist: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>)¶
A Class Instance is an occurrence of an object.
A Class Instance represents its data as a dictionary where each slot name is a key.
Class Instance slot values can be modified. The Instance will be re-evaluated against the rule network once modified.
- delete()¶
Directly delete the instance.
- modify_slots(**slots)¶
Modify one or more slot values of the Instance.
Instance must exist within the CLIPS engine.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (modify-instance) function.
- property name: str¶
Instance name.
- send(message: str, arguments: str = None) type ¶
Send a message to the Instance.
The output value of the message handler is returned.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (send) function.
- unmake()¶
This method is equivalent to delete except that it uses message-passing instead of directly deleting the instance.
- class clips.classes.MessageHandler(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, cls: str, idx: int)¶
MessageHandlers are the CLIPS equivalent of instance methods in Python.
- property deletable: bool¶
True if the MessageHandler can be deleted.
- property name: str¶
MessageHandler name.
- property type: str¶
MessageHandler type.
- undefine()¶
Undefine the MessageHandler.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (undefmessage-handler) function.
The object becomes unusable after this method has been called.
- property watch: bool¶
True if the MessageHandler is being watched.
- clips.classes.classes(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, names: (<class 'list'>, <class 'tuple'>)) iter ¶
clips.functions module¶
This module contains the definition of:
Function class
Generic class
Method class
Functions namespace class
- class clips.functions.Function(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, name: str)¶
A CLIPS user defined Function.
In CLIPS, Functions are defined via the (deffunction) statement.
- property deletable: bool¶
True if the Function can be deleted.
- property module: Module¶
The module in which the Function is defined.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (deffunction-module) functions.
- property name: str¶
Function name.
- undefine()¶
Undefine the Function.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (undeffunction) command.
The object becomes unusable after this method has been called.
- property watch: bool¶
Whether or not the Function is being watched.
- class clips.functions.Functions(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>)¶
Functions, Generics and Methods namespace class.
All the Functions methods are accessible through the Environment class.
- call(function: str, *arguments) type ¶
Call the CLIPS function with the given arguments.
- clear_error_state()¶
Clear the CLIPS environment error state.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (clear-error) function.
- define_function(function: callable, name: str = None)¶
Define the Python function within the CLIPS environment.
If a name is given, it will be the function name within CLIPS. Otherwise, the name of the Python function will be used.
The Python function will be accessible within CLIPS via its name as if it was defined via the deffunction construct.
- property error_state: None | CLIPSError¶
Get the CLIPS environment error state.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (get-error) function.
- functions()¶
Iterates over the defined Globals.
- generics() iter ¶
Iterates over the defined Generics.
- class clips.functions.Generic(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, name: str)¶
A CLIPS Generic Function.
In CLIPS, Generic Functions are defined via the (defgeneric) statement.
- property deletable: bool¶
True if the Generic can be deleted.
- methods() iter ¶
Iterates over the defined Methods.
- property module: Module¶
The module in which the Generic is defined.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (defgeneric-module) generics.
- property name: str¶
Generic name.
- undefine()¶
Undefine the Generic.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (undefgeneric) command.
The object becomes unusable after this method has been called.
- property watch: bool¶
Whether or not the Generic is being watched.
- class clips.functions.Method(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, gnc: str, idx: int)¶
Methods implement the generic logic according to the input parameter types.
- property deletable¶
True if the Template can be undefined.
- property description: str¶
- property restrictions: tuple¶
- undefine()¶
Undefine the Method.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (undefmethod) command.
The object becomes unusable after this method has been called.
- property watch: bool¶
Whether or not the Method is being watched.
clips.modules module¶
This module contains the definition of:
Modules namespace class
Module class
Global class
- class clips.modules.Global(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, name: str)¶
A CLIPS global variable.
In CLIPS, Globals are defined via the (defglobal) statement.
- property deletable: bool¶
True if the Global can be deleted.
- property module: Module¶
The module in which the Global is defined.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (defglobal-module) function.
- property name: str¶
Global name.
- undefine()¶
Undefine the Global.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (undefglobal) function.
The object becomes unusable after this method has been called.
- property value: type¶
Global value.
- property watch: bool¶
Whether or not the Global is being watched.
- class clips.modules.Module(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, name: str)¶
Modules are namespaces restricting the CLIPS constructs scope.
- property name: str¶
Module name.
- class clips.modules.Modules(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>)¶
Globals and Modules namespace class.
All the Modules methods are accessible through the Environment class.
- property current_module: Module¶
The current module.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (get-current-module) function.
- globals() iter ¶
Iterates over the defined Globals.
- property globals_changed: bool¶
True if any Global has changed since last check.
- modules() iter ¶
Iterates over the defined Modules.
- property reset_globals: bool¶
True if Globals reset behaviour is enabled.
clips.routers module¶
This module contains the definition of:
Router class
LoggingRouter class
Routers namespace class
- class clips.routers.ErrorRouter¶
Router capturing error messages for CLIPSError exceptions.
- property last_message: str¶
- query(name: str)¶
This method should return True if the provided logical name is handled by the Router.
- write(name: str, message: str)¶
If the query method returns True for the given logical name, this method will be called with the forwarded message.
- class clips.routers.LoggingRouter¶
Python logging Router.
A helper Router to get Python standard logging facilities integrated with CLIPS.
It captures CLIPS output and re-directs it to Python logging library.
- LOGGERS = {'stderr': <function error>, 'stdout': <function info>, 'stdwrn': <function warning>}¶
- log_message(name: str)¶
- query(name: str) bool ¶
Capture log from CLIPS output routers.
- write(name: str, message: str)¶
If the message is a new-line terminate sentence, log it at according to the mapped level.
Otherwise, append it to the message string.
- class clips.routers.Router(name: str, priority: int)¶
- activate()¶
Activate the Router.
- deactivate()¶
Deactivate the Router.
- delete()¶
Delete the Router.
- exit(_exitcode: int)¶
- property name: str¶
The Router name.
- property priority: int¶
The Router priority.
- query(_name: str) bool ¶
This method should return True if the provided logical name is handled by the Router.
- read(_name: str) int ¶
Callback implementation for the Environment.read_router function.
Share the captured message with other Routers.
- unread(_name: str, _char: int) int ¶
Callback implementation for the Environment.unread_router function.
- write(_name: str, _message: str)¶
If the query method returns True for the given logical name, this method will be called with the forwarded message.
- class clips.routers.Routers(env)¶
Routers namespace class.
All the Routers methods are accessible through the Environment class.
- read_router(router_name: str) int ¶
Query the Router by the given name calling its read callback.
- routers() iter ¶
The User defined routers installed within the Environment.
- unread_router(router_name: str, characters: int) int ¶
Query the Router by the given name calling its unread callback.
- write_router(router_name: str, *args)¶
Send the given arguments to the given Router for writing.
clips.common module¶
- exception clips.common.CLIPSError(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, message: str = None, code: int = None)¶
An error occurred within the CLIPS Environment.
- class clips.common.CLIPSType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
- FLOAT = 0¶
- INTEGER = 1¶
- STRING = 3¶
- SYMBOL = 2¶
- VOID = 9¶
- class clips.common.ClassDefaultMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
- class clips.common.EnvBuilders(fact, instance, function, string, multifield)¶
- fact¶
Alias for field number 0
- function¶
Alias for field number 2
- instance¶
Alias for field number 1
- multifield¶
Alias for field number 4
- string¶
Alias for field number 3
- class clips.common.EnvData(builders, modifiers, routers, user_functions)¶
- builders¶
Alias for field number 0
- modifiers¶
Alias for field number 1
- routers¶
Alias for field number 2
- user_functions¶
Alias for field number 3
- class clips.common.EnvModifiers(fact, instance)¶
- fact¶
Alias for field number 0
- instance¶
Alias for field number 1
- class clips.common.PutSlotError(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
- class clips.common.SalienceEvaluation(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
- class clips.common.SaveMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
- class clips.common.Strategy(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
- BREADTH = 1¶
- DEPTH = 0¶
- LEX = 2¶
- MEA = 3¶
- RANDOM = 6¶
- class clips.common.TemplateSlotDefaultType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
- class clips.common.UserFunctions(functions, external_addresses)¶
- external_addresses¶
Alias for field number 1
- functions¶
Alias for field number 0
- class clips.common.Verbosity(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
- SUCCINT = 1¶
- TERSE = 2¶
- VERBOSE = 0¶
- clips.common.delete_environment_data(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>)¶
- clips.common.environment_builder(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, name: str) <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'> ¶
Retrieve Environment specific builder.
- clips.common.environment_data(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, name: str) type ¶
Retrieve Environment specific data.
- clips.common.environment_modifier(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, name: str) <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'> ¶
Retrieve Environment specific modifier.
Module contents¶
- exception clips.CLIPSError(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, message: str = None, code: int = None)¶
An error occurred within the CLIPS Environment.
- class clips.Class(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, name: str)¶
A Class is a template for creating instances of objects.
In CLIPS, Classes are defined via the (defclass) statement.
Classes allow to create new instances to be added within the CLIPS environment.
- property abstract: bool¶
True if the class is abstract.
- property deletable: bool¶
True if the Class can be deleted.
- find_message_handler(name: str, handler_type: str = 'primary') MessageHandler ¶
Returns the MessageHandler given its name and type.
- instances() iter ¶
Iterate over the instances of the class.
- make_instance(instance_name: str = None, **slots) Instance ¶
Make a new Instance from this Class.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (make-instance) function.
- message_handlers() iter ¶
Iterate over the message handlers of the class.
- property module: Module¶
The module in which the Class is defined.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (defclass-module) function.
- property name: str¶
Class name.
- property reactive: bool¶
True if the class is reactive.
- slots(inherited: bool = False) iter ¶
Iterate over the Slots of the class.
- subclasses(inherited: bool = False) iter ¶
Iterate over the subclasses of the class.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (class-subclasses) function.
- superclasses(inherited=False) iter ¶
Iterate over the superclasses of the class.
Equivalent to the CLIPS class-superclasses command.
- undefine()¶
Undefine the Class.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (undefclass) command.
The object becomes unusable after this method has been called.
- property watch_instances: bool¶
Whether or not the Class Instances are being watched.
- property watch_slots: bool¶
Whether or not the Class Slots are being watched.
- class clips.ClassDefaultMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
- class clips.Environment¶
The environment class encapsulates an independent CLIPS engine with its own data structures.
- batch_star(path: str)¶
Evaluate the commands contained in the specific path.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (batch*) function.
- build(construct: str)¶
Build a single construct in CLIPS.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (build) function.
- clear()¶
Clear the CLIPS environment.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (clear) function.
- eval(expression: str) type ¶
Evaluate an expression returning its value.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (eval) function.
- load(path: str, binary: bool = False)¶
Load a set of constructs into the CLIPS data base.
If constructs were saved in binary format, the binary parameter should be set to True.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (load) function.
- reset()¶
Reset the CLIPS environment.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (reset) function.
- save(path: str, binary=False)¶
Save a set of constructs into the CLIPS data base.
If binary is True, the constructs will be saved in binary format.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (load) function.
- class clips.ImpliedFact(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, fact: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>)¶
An Implied Fact or Ordered Fact represents its data as a list of elements similarly as for a Multifield.
Implied Fact cannot be build or modified. They can be asserted via the Environment.assert_string() method.
- class clips.Instance(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, ist: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>)¶
A Class Instance is an occurrence of an object.
A Class Instance represents its data as a dictionary where each slot name is a key.
Class Instance slot values can be modified. The Instance will be re-evaluated against the rule network once modified.
- delete()¶
Directly delete the instance.
- modify_slots(**slots)¶
Modify one or more slot values of the Instance.
Instance must exist within the CLIPS engine.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (modify-instance) function.
- property name: str¶
Instance name.
- send(message: str, arguments: str = None) type ¶
Send a message to the Instance.
The output value of the message handler is returned.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (send) function.
- unmake()¶
This method is equivalent to delete except that it uses message-passing instead of directly deleting the instance.
- class clips.LoggingRouter¶
Python logging Router.
A helper Router to get Python standard logging facilities integrated with CLIPS.
It captures CLIPS output and re-directs it to Python logging library.
- LOGGERS = {'stderr': <function error>, 'stdout': <function info>, 'stdwrn': <function warning>}¶
- log_message(name: str)¶
- query(name: str) bool ¶
Capture log from CLIPS output routers.
- write(name: str, message: str)¶
If the message is a new-line terminate sentence, log it at according to the mapped level.
Otherwise, append it to the message string.
- class clips.Router(name: str, priority: int)¶
- activate()¶
Activate the Router.
- deactivate()¶
Deactivate the Router.
- delete()¶
Delete the Router.
- exit(_exitcode: int)¶
- property name: str¶
The Router name.
- property priority: int¶
The Router priority.
- query(_name: str) bool ¶
This method should return True if the provided logical name is handled by the Router.
- read(_name: str) int ¶
Callback implementation for the Environment.read_router function.
Share the captured message with other Routers.
- unread(_name: str, _char: int) int ¶
Callback implementation for the Environment.unread_router function.
- write(_name: str, _message: str)¶
If the query method returns True for the given logical name, this method will be called with the forwarded message.
- class clips.SalienceEvaluation(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
- class clips.SaveMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
- class clips.Strategy(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
- BREADTH = 1¶
- DEPTH = 0¶
- LEX = 2¶
- MEA = 3¶
- RANDOM = 6¶
- class clips.Symbol(symbol)¶
Python equivalent of a CLIPS SYMBOL.
- class clips.Template(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, name: str)¶
A Fact Template is a formal representation of the fact data structure.
In CLIPS, Templates are defined via the (deftemplate) function.
Templates allow to assert new facts within the CLIPS environment.
Implied facts are associated to implied templates. Implied templates have a limited set of features.
- assert_fact(**slots) TemplateFact ¶
Assert a new fact with the given slot values.
Only deftemplates that have been explicitly defined can be asserted with this function.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (assert) function.
- property deletable: bool¶
True if the Template can be undefined.
- facts() iter ¶
Iterate over the asserted Facts belonging to this Template.
- property implied: bool¶
True if the Template is implied.
- property module: Module¶
The module in which the Template is defined.
Python equivalent of the CLIPS deftemplate-module command.
- property name: str¶
Template name.
- property slots: tuple¶
The slots of the template.
- undefine()¶
Undefine the Template.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (undeftemplate) function.
The object becomes unusable after this method has been called.
- property watch: bool¶
Whether or not the Template is being watched.
- class clips.TemplateFact(env: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>, fact: <MagicMock name='mock.ffi.CData' id='140501464471312'>)¶
A Template or Unordered Fact represents its data as a dictionary where each slot name is a key.
TemplateFact slot values can be modified. The Fact will be re-evaluated against the rule network once modified.
- modify_slots(**slots)¶
Modify one or more slot values of the Fact.
Fact must be asserted within the CLIPS engine.
Equivalent to the CLIPS (modify) function.